Welcome to Kinston Community Health Center


To be the preferred provider of choice for the people in our service area.


To provide quality and accessible health care to all the people of our community in the most cost-efficient manner.


Dedicated to delivering quality services at the highest standard of primary and preventive healthcare.

What can we help you with?


Behavioral Health




After Hours Clinical Advice

KCHC’s Nurse Advice Line provides healthcare advice when our offices are closed. To speak with a nurse after hours please call (252) 522-9800.

Non-Urgent Needs:

We offer same day appointments and suggest that you wait until the next business day for your care to be provided by the provider who knows you best. However, should your provider not be available, then the treating provider will easily have access to your office records, which includes medical history, allergies and current medications.

Click here for updates on our new home!
